Clinically Based Teacher Education in Action

Cases from Professional Development Schools

Edited by:
Eva Garin, Bowie State University
Rebecca West Burns, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

A volume in the series: Research in Professional Development Schools and School-University Partnerships. Editor(s): JoAnne Ferrara, Manhattanville College. Ronald Beebe, University of Houston -Downtown. Drew Polly, UNC Charlotte.

Published 2020

Teacher education in the United States is changing to meet new policy demands for centering clinical practice and developing robust school-university partnerships to better prepare high-quality teachers for tomorrow’s schools. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHOOLS (PDSs) have recently been cited in national reports as exemplars of high-quality school-university partnerships in the clinical preparation of teachers. According to the National Association for Professional Development Schools, PDSs have Nine Essentials that distinguish them from other school-university collaborations. But even with that guidance, working across the boundaries of schools and universities remains messy, complex, and, quite frankly, hard. That’s why, perhaps, there is such diversity in school-university partnerships.

For the last thirty years, educators have been fascinated yet puzzled with how to build PDSs. Clinically Based Teacher Education in Action: Cases from PDSs addresses that perplexity by providing images of the possible in school-university collaboration. Each chapter closely examines one of the NAPDS Nine Essentials and then provides three cases from PDSs that target that particular essential. In this way, readers can see how different PDSs from across the globe are innovating to actualize that essential in PDS development. The editors provide commentary, addressing themes across the three cases. Each chapter ends with questions to start collaborative conversations and a field-based activity meant to propel your PDS work forward.

Foreword, Jane Neapolitan. Introduction. Acknowledgments. Integrating the Nine Essentials. Sustained Success in a PDS: The Case of Salisbury University and Mardela Middle/High School, Ron Siers, Jr., Sara Elburn, and Cathy Ramey. Views of a Professional Development School District: A Collage of Experience and Commitment, Katherine F. Thompson, Janna Dresden, Tad MacMillan, and Erica Gilbertson. Establishing A Comprehensive Mission (NAPDS Essential 1). Green Light, Yellow Light, Red Light: A Case Study That Explores Should the PDS Partnership Proceed, Slow Down, or Stop? Ronald W. Whitaker, II, Margery Covello, Thomas R. Conway, Beverly R. Bryde, and Martha Ritter. Breaking Down Barriers: Building a Network of Professional Development Schools across Elementary, Middle, and High School Levels, Jennifer Rinck, Rebecca West Burns, Jennifer Jacobs, and David Allsopp. Integrated Collaboratives: How Can Grow Your Own Programs Be Springboards to Establish PDSs? Gina Anderson, Richard Valenta, Sarah McMahan, Rebecca Fredrickson, Karen Dunlap, Brandon Bush, Diann Huber, and Roxanne Del Rio. Actively Engaging Preservice Teachers (NAPDS Essential 2). Strengthening Partnerships to Solve the Substitute Teacher Crisis: Evolution of the Teacher Immersion Fellows Program, Tracy Peterson and Shannon Alvarado. Organizing Partnership Fairs to Foster Innovative and Reflective Practices, Elizabeth Brown, Julie Rosenthal, and Anissa Conyers-Martin. UNF-Lake Shore Middle School PDS Partnership: Moving Along the Continuum to Solve Persistent Dilemmas in an Urban School, Deborah Reed, Darcey Gray, and David Hoppey. Providing Ongoing and Reciprocal Professional Development (NAPDS Essential 3). Cultivating a Shared Ownership of Professional Learning Through a Newly Formed Professional Development School Partnership, Chrystine Mitchell, David Bender, and Andrea Salsano. Responsive Professional Development: Building a Trauma-Sensitive Social and Emotional Learning Community, Tami Sullivan and Dee Froio. Tracking the Path of a Multi-Faced PDS Partnership, Drew Polly, Tracy Rock, Ian Binns, Rachel Zaionz, and Melissa Little. Demonstrating a Shared Commitment to Innovative and Reflective Practice (NAPDS Essential 4). Coaching for All-Round Benefits: A Swiss Partner School Initiative, Annamarie Ryter and Lynn Williams Leppich. It Takes a Village to Raise a Pre-Service Teacher: A Shared Commitment to Innovative and Reflective Practice in a Professional Development School, Denise Donahue, Joshua Phillips, Megan Pitts, Leann Rodriguez, Melissa Brown, and Rachel Duffen. The Beit Berl PDS Program: Innovations and Educational Opportunities for All, Aviva Klieger, Ilana Dror, and Yael Yefet. PDS Teacher Candidate Led Reading Intervention: A Commitment to Innovative and Reflective Practice, Christopher Kennedy, Heidi Mullins, and Lesley Michigan. Conducting Deliberate Investigations of Practice (NAPDS Essential 5). A Developing Partnership: Our Growth and Goals, Rebecca Lovering Powell, Lori Rakes, Sarah Rideout, Taylor Knox, and Sonja Skaggs. Establishing a State Culture in Maryland for Engagement in and Public Sharing of the Results of Deliberative Investigations of Practice, Maggie Madden. Intentionally Teaching Inquiry and the Practitioner Research Conference: One College’s PDS Efforts to Engage Teacher Candidates in and Publicly Share the Results of Deliberate Investigations of Practice, David Hoppey and David Allsopp. Developing Articulated Agreements (NAPDS Essential 6). The Bahamas T. G. Glover Story: Journey to a Professional Development School, Ruth Sumner, Thalia Mickelwhite, and Kathiann Antonio. It Was the Best of Times, it Was the Worst of Times: A Tale of Two School Districts, Eva Garin. Mort Elementary Community Partnership School: Making a Twenty-Five Year Commitment, Rebecca West Burns, David Allsopp, Woodland Johnson, Cindy Stuart, Holly Saia, Samuel Bell, LaTiecea Hailey-Brown, and Kylia Carswell. Building Structures for Governance, Reflection, and Collaboration (NAPDS Essential 7). The Cohort Project, Cynthia Stunkard and Robert Pleis. Structures That Promote School–University Collaborative Reflection in the Preparation of Secondary and K–12 Teachers, Sarah Brooks, Nanette Marcum-Dietrich, and Daniel Daneker. George Mason University’s Elementary Education PDS Program: Structures for Shared Governance, Reflection, and Collaboration, Audra Parker, Seth Parsons, Lois Groth, Mandy Bean, and Christine Slattery. Designing Boundary Spanning Roles (NAPDS Essential 8). Critical, Project-Based Clinical Experiences: Formalizing the Roles of University- and School-Based Teacher Educators, Kristien Zenkov, Laurel Taylor, Kristine Pytash, Michelle Lague, and Amanda Ayers. A Developing Partnership that Spanned Boundaries, Aimee Morewood and Susan Taylor. Penn State Elementary PDS Partnership’s Professional Development Associates: A Vehicle for Facilitating Cross- Institutional Work, Jim Nolan and Kelly Mark. Creating Dedicated and Shared Resources and Structures for Recognition (NAPDS Essential 9). Building Professional Development School Capacity by Utilizing a University Center Model. Marcy Keifer Kennedy, Grace Kroeger, and Liz Hoisington. California Lutheran University PDS Residency: Resource Sharing and Recognition, Michael Cosenza. Rituals, Celebrations, and Traditions: Selected Structural Features that Sustain a Professional Development School Community, Bernard Badiali. Committing to Equity and Social Justice. SEED “Seeds,” “Stories of Injustice,” and the Ideals of Our Profession: A Program in Formation and Pre-Service Teachers as Bridges to Equity, Kristien Zenkov, Michelle Lague, and Paula Cristina Azevedo. An Embedded Model for Teacher Preparation: Literacy, Learning, and Social Justice in Professional Development Schools, Catherine Compton-Lilly, Beth White, and Buffy Murphy. Looking Across the Chapters. List of Appendices. Appendix A: Memorandum of Understanding. Appendix B: Freshmen Continuum of Expectations. Appendix C: Opening Ceremony Script; Penn State University. Appendix D: Pinning Ceremony Script; Penn State University. References. About the Editors. About the Contributors.