Counseling African American Males
Effective Therapeutic Interventions and Approaches
Edited by:
Dr. William Ross, Prairie View A&M University
A volume in the series: African American Male Series: Guiding the Next Generation Through Mentoring, Teaching and Counseling. Editor(s): Adriel A. Hilton, Southern University at New Orleans.
Published 2016
There is no one method for doing culturally alert counseling. Instead, culturally alert counseling consists of intentionally adapting existing ways to help clients (1) understand their socially constructed worldviews through culture, (2) appreciate their various cultures, (3) to make choices about adherence to cultural norms, and (4) to recognize and respond to external bias relating to their cultural group membership.
Introduction, William Ross. Counseling African American Males Utilizing Nontraditional Clinical Treatment Approaches, Delila Owens, John Queener & Tiffany Stewart. Black Masculinity and Identity Development as Foundation for Counseling African American Males, Steven D Kniffley. Community Violence Exposure and Racial Discrimination as Barriers to Treatment: Implications for African American Males in Counseling, Broderick Sawyer, Ryan DeLapp & Monnica Williams. Ubuntu: A Framework for African American Male Positive Mental Health, Derek Wilson & Veeda Williams. Humanistic Theories and African American Males in Counseling, Yolanda Hamilton. Utilizing the Empathy Wheel to Counsel African American Male Students, David Ford. Socially Conscious Rap Music as a Therapeutic Intervention to work with African American Males, Ahmad R. Washington. African American Male Suicide: An Eco‐system Framework to Understand, Assess and Intervene, Darron Garner. Resilience Theory and the Health Belief Model as Interventions for African American Males with Depression, Mallory Struggs & Sandra Harris. African American Graduate and Undergraduate Male Students’ Attitudes Regarding Counseling: A Comparative Analysis, Candy Ratliff, Joyce Finch & Jessica Davis. Theories of Rehabilitation and Principles of Effective Intervention for African American Male Offenders, Karla Sapp. Strategies and Interventions for White School Counselors working with African American Male Students, Lauren Moss, Christy Land & Matthew Rozzi. Social Learning Theory and Strength Based Approaches to Counseling Adolescent African American Males, Donald Grant. A Trauma‐Informed Approach to Play Therapy Interventions with African American Male Children, Josephine Olson. White Racial Framing and Its Impact on African American Male Mental Health, Derek Wilson & Veeda Williams. A Clinical Deconstruction of the Negative Archetypes & Complexes of African American Masculinity, O’Shan D. Gadsden & Lionel Howard.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781681235516
- EDU000000 - EDUCATION: General
- SOC001000 - SOCIAL SCIENCE: ETHNIC STUDIES: African American Studies
- PSY045070 - PSYCHOLOGY: MOVEMENTS: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
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