Learning Through Visual Displays
Edited by:
Gregory Schraw, University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Matthew T. McCrudden, Victoria University of Wellington
Daniel Robinson, Colorado State University
A volume in the series: Current Perspectives on Cognition, Learning and Instruction. Editor(s): Daniel H. Robinson, University of Texas at Arlington. Marlynn M. Griffin, Georgia Southern University.
Published 2013
The purpose of the volume is to explore the theory, development and use of visual displays and graphic organizers to improve instruction, learning and research. We anticipate five sections that address (1) frameworks for understanding different types of displays, (2) research-tested guidelines for constructing displays, (3) empirically-based instructional applications, (4) using displays to promote research and theory development, and (5) using displays to report test and research data to improve consumer understanding. Authors represent a variety of perspectives and areas of expertise, including instructional psychology, information technology, and research methodologies.
The volume is divided into four sections. Section 1 provides a conceptual overview of previous research, as well as the contents of the current volume. Section 2 includes theoretical perspectives on the design and instructional uses of visual displays from major theorists in the field. These chapters discuss ways that visual displays enhance general cognition and information processing. Section 3 provides eight chapters that address the use of visual displays to enhance student learning. These chapters provide examples of how to organize content and use visual displays in a variety of ways in the real and virtual classroom. Section 4 includes three chapters that discuss ways that visual displays may enhance the research process, but especially improved data display.
Section I: Introduction 1. Visual Displays and Learning: Theoretical and Practical Considerations (Schraw, McCrudden & Robinson) Section II: Theoretical Frameworks 2. Some Instructional Consequences of Logical Relations Between Multiple Sources of Information (Low, Jin & Sweller) 3. Fostering Learning with Visual Displays (Mayer) 4. Knowledge and Working Memory Effects on Learning from Visual Displays (Kalyuga) 5. Toward a Typology of Instructional Visual Displays (Schraw & Paik) Section III: Using Visual Displays to Enhance Learning 6. Static and Dynamic Visual representations: Individual Differences in Processing (Höffler, Schmeck & Opfermann) 7. Static Visual Displays for Deeper Understanding: How to Help Learners Make Use of Them (Renkl & Schwonke) 8. Strategies for Note Taking on Computer-Based Graphic Organizers (Crooks & Cheon) 9. Strategy Training with Causal Diagrams to Improve Text Learning (Poloquin & Schraw) 10. Cognitive Model of Drawing Construction: Learning through the Construction of Drawings (Van Meter & Firetto) 11. Graphic Organizers as Aids for Students with Learning Disabilities (Dexter & Hughes) 12. Concept Maps for Learning: Theory, Research and Design (Nesbit & Adesope) 13. Argument Diagrams and Learning: Cognitive and Educational Perspectives (Andriessen & Baker) Section IV: Using Visual Displays to Improve Resaerch 14. Using Visual Displays to Enhance Understanding of Quantitative Research (Pastor & Finney) 15. A Typology of Visual Displays in Qualitative Analyses (Olafson, Feucht & Marchand) 16. Using Visual Displays to Inform Assessment Design and Development (Foley & Buckendahl)
Web price: $62.04 (Reg. 72.99)
Web price: $89.24 (Reg. 104.99)
- eBook9781623962357

- EDU037000 - EDUCATION: Research
- PSY008000 - PSYCHOLOGY: Cognitive Psychology
Assessment of Higher Order Thinking Skills
Misinformation and Fake News in Education
Recent Innovations in Educational Technology that Facilitate Student Learning
Social Media Influences on Education
Teachers’ Personal Epistemologies Evolving Models for Informing Practice
Technology-Based Assessments for 21st Century Skills Theoretical and Practical Implications from Modern Research
Use of Visual Displays in Research and Testing Coding, Interpreting, and Reporting Data