Quarterly Review of Distance Education

Volume 18 #3

Edited by:
Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University
Charles Schlosser, Nova Southeastern University

A volume in the series: Quarterly Review of Distance Education - Journal. Editor(s): Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University. Anymir Orellana, Nova Southeastern University.

Published 2017

The Quarterly Review of Distance Education is a rigorously refereed journal publishing articles, research briefs, reviews, and editorials dealing with the theories, research, and practices of distance education. The Quarterly Review publishes articles that utilize various methodologies that permit generalizable results which help guide the practice of the field of distance education in the public and private sectors. The Quarterly Review publishes full-length manuscripts as well as research briefs, editorials, reviews of programs and scholarly works, and columns. The Quarterly Review defines distance education as institutionally-based formal education in which the learning group is separated and interactive technologies are used to unite the learning group.

Innovations in Academic Support: Factors Influencing Student Adoption of Synchronous Videoconferencing for Online Support in High-Risk STEM Courses, Donna Rennar-Potacco, Anymir Orellana, and Andres Salazar. Affinity Spaces in Higher Education, Kelly McKenna. Conceptualizing Formal and Informal Learning in MOOCs as Activity Systems, Kathlyn Bradshaw, Gale Parchoma, and Jennifer Lock. The Effect of Modality Change on Course Evaluations in a Statistics Course, Vicki Ingalls. Change Agents and Opinion Leaders: Integration of Classroom Technology, Christopher Masullo. An Introduction to Distance Education in Japan, Ray J. Amirault and Yusra Laila Visser, International Editors. The State of Distance Education in Japan, Mayuko Nakamura. Conference Calendar, Charles Schlosser. Author Biographical Data.