Second Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning
A Project of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Edited by:
Frank K. Lester Jr.
Published 2007
The audience remains much the same as for the 1992 Handbook, namely, mathematics education researchers and other scholars conducting work in mathematics education. This group includes college and university faculty, graduate students, investigators in research and development centers, and staff members at federal, state, and local agencies that conduct and use research within the discipline of mathematics.
The intent of the authors of this volume is to provide useful perspectives as well as pertinent information for conducting investigations that are informed by previous work. The Handbook should also be a useful textbook for graduate research seminars. In addition to the audience mentioned above, the present Handbook contains chapters that should be relevant to four other groups: teacher educators, curriculum developers, state and national policy makers, and test developers and others involved with assessment.
Taken as a whole, the chapters reflects the mathematics education research community's willingness to accept the challenge of helping the public understand what mathematics education research is all about and what the relevance of their research fi ndings might be for those outside their immediate community.
Preface. Acknowledgements. Part I: Foundations. Putting Philosophy to Work: Coping With Multiple Theoretical Perspectives, Paul Cobb. Theory in Mathematics Education Scholarship, Edward A. Silver & Patricio G. Herbst Method, Alan H. Schoenfeld. Part II: Teachers and Teaching. Assessing Teachers' Mathematical Knowledge: What Knowledge Matters and What Evidence Counts? Heather C. Hill, Laurie Sleep, Jennifer M. Lewis, & Deborah Loewenberg Ball. The Mathematical Education and Development of Teachers, Judith T. Sowder. Understanding Teaching and Classroom Practice in Mathematics, Megan Loef Franke, Elham Kazemi and Daniel Battey. Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs and Affect, Randolph A. Philipp. Part III: Influences on Student Outcomes. How Curriculum Influences Student Learning, Mary Kay Stein, Janine Remillard and Margaret Smith. The Effects of Classroom Mathematics Teaching on Students' Learning, James S. Hiebert and Douglas A. Grouws. Culture, Race, Power, and Mathematics Education, Diversity in Mathematics Education Center for Learning and Teaching. The Role of Culture in Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Norma G. Presmeg. Part IV: Students and Learning. Early Childhood Mathematics Learning, Douglas H. Clements and Julie Sarama. Whole Number Concepts and Operations, Lieven Verschaffel, Brian Greer, and Erik DeCorte. Rational Numbers and Proportional Reasoning: Toward a Theoretical Framework for Research, Susan J. Lamon. Early Algebra, David W. Carraher and Analucia D. Schliemann. Learning and Teaching of Algebra at the Middle School through College Levels: Building Meaning for Symbols and Their Manipulation, Carolyn Kieran. Problem Solving and Modeling, Richard Lesh and Judith Zawejewski. Toward Comprehensive Perspectives on the Learning and Teaching of Proof, Guershon Harel and Larry Sowder. The Development of Geometric and Spatial Thinking, Michael T. Battista. Research in Probability: Responding to Classroom Realities, Graham A. Jones, Cynthia W. Langrall and Edward S. Mooney. Research on Statistics Learning and Reasoning, J. Michael Shaughnessy. Mathematics Thinking and Learning at Post-secondary Level, Michele Artigue, Carmen Batanero and Phillip Kent. Part V: Assessment. Keeping Learning on Track: Classroom Assessment and the Regulation of Learning, Dylan Wiliam. High Stakes Testing in Mathematics, Linda Dager Wilson. Large-scale Assessment of Mathematics Education, Jan DeLange. Part VI: Issues and Perspectives. Issues in Access and Equity in Mathematics Education, Alan J. Bishop and Helen J. Forgasz. Research on Technology in Mathematics Education: The Perspective of Constructs, Rose Mary Zbiek, M. Kathleen Heid, Glendon Blume and Thomas P. Dick. Engineering Change in Mathematics Education: Research, Policy, and Practice, William F. Tate and Celia Rousseau. Educational Policy Research and Mathematics Education, Joan Ferrini-Mundy & Robert Floden. Mathematics Content Specification in the Age of Assessment, Norman L. Webb. Reflections on the State and Trends in Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning: From Here to Utopia, Mogens Niss. About the Contributors. Name Index. Subject Index.
Web price: $244.38 (Reg. 287.50)
Web price: $342.13 (Reg. 402.50)
- eBook9781607527091

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