Contemporary Perspectives on Multicultural Gifted Education
The Contemporary Perspectives on Multicultural Gifted Education book series is designed to provide a home for 21st century scholarship (e.g., conceptual models, theory, practice, measurement, and research) critiquing gifted education and advanced programs (e.g., AP, IB). Proposals should pay close attention to challeng-es and solutions targeting culturally and linguistically diverse students (Black, Hispanic, Native American and certain Asian students) who are under-represented in such programs.
The scope of the series is broad, yet connected by an inter-related set of practices and philosophies under the umbrella of recruitment and retention via equity and advocacy for all students, especially those who lack access to challenging, yet supportive, learning environments. The book series targets all constituents in P-16 educational settings with scholarship aimed at helping them meet the needs of students formally identified as gifted, as well as those who have been overlooked for a variety of reasons.
For book proposal information, contact Dr. Henfield drhenfield@gmail.com
Identifying, Preventing and Combating Bullying in Gifted Education
Fernanda Hellen Ribeiro Piske, Municipal Secretariat of Education of Curitiba, Brazil; Kristina Henry Collins, Texas State University
Black Boys are Lit
Engaging PreK-3 Gifted and Talented Black Boys Using Multicultural Literature and Ford’s Bloom-Banks Matrix
2021Brian L. Wright, The University of Memphis; Donna Y. Ford, Ohio State University; James L. Moore III, The Ohio State University
Understanding the Intersections of Race, Gender, and Gifted Education
An Anthology By and About Talented Black Girls and Women in STEM
2020Nicole M. Joseph, Vanderbilt University
A Second Helping of Gumbo for the Soul
More Liberating Stories and Memories to Inspire Females of Color
2020Michelle Trotman Scott, University of West Georgia; Nicole McZeal Walters, University of St. Thomas-Houston; Dr. Jemimah L. Young, University of North Texas; Donna Y. Ford, Ohio State University
Gumbo for the Soul III
Males of Color Share Their Stories, Meditations, Affirmations, and Inspirations
2019Brian L. Wright, The University of Memphis; Nathaniel Bryan, Miami University; Christopher Sewell Ed.D., Williams College; Lucian Yates III, Kentucky State University; Michael Robinson Ed.D., Forest of the Rain Productions; Kianga Thomas Ed.D., Norfolk State University
- Advances in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Caribbean Discourse in Inclusive Education
- Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association Book Series
- Contemporary Perspectives in Special Education
- Critical Concerns in Blindness
- Current Perspectives on Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Education
- Hispanics in Education and Administration
- Issues in the Research, Theory, Policy, and Practice of Urban Education
- Readings in Language Studies
- Research in Bilingual Education
- Research in Multicultural Education and International Perspectives
- Research on African American Education
- Research on Education in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East
- Research on the Education of Asian Pacific Americans
- Teaching<~>Learning Indigenous, Intercultural Worldviews: International Perspectives on Social Justice and Human Rights
- The Education Specialized Monograph Series
- The Hispanic Population in the United States