Issues in the Research, Theory, Policy, and Practice of Urban Education
This series focuses on contemporary issues related to education in urban contexts. Our primary aim is create a substantive body of research and scholarship that can contribute to the field and improve understanding of the theory, practice, and policy of urban education. We are particularly interested in books, research studies, as and single authored and edited volumes which provide critical and/or innovative perspectives on urban education and examine how is currently conceived, enacted, and transformed in educational contexts.
Call for Book Proposals & Special Issue Chapter Proposals on Transformative Perspectives in Urban Education
Call 1: Book ProposalsWe invite scholars, teachers, educators, researchers, and administrators to submit book proposals on topics that resonate with our series’ focus on urban education. Our aim is to compile a substantive body of research that addresses the complexities of teaching and learning in urban contexts. Proposals should explore themes such as race, equity, policy, leadership, and innovation in urban education, among others. Please see the details on the proposal process and the list of topics on the Information Age Publishing website under “Issues in the Research, Theory, Policy, and Practice of Urban Education.”
Call 2: Special Issue Chapter Proposals on Transformative Perspectives and Practices in Urban Education
For a forthcoming special issue titled “Transformative Perspectives in Urban Education,” we are seeking proposals that highlight positive experiences, potential innovations, and visionary futures in urban educational settings. This special issue encourages submissions of research that align with the thematic focus on effective practices and future possibilities in urban education.
Here are five sub-themes for the special issue that authors can respond to, each focusing on positive aspects and opportunities for improvement in urban educational settings:
• Innovative Pedagogical Strategies: Authors can explore successful and innovative teaching methods tailored to urban classrooms. Topics could include differentiated instruction, technology integration, project-based learning, and culturally responsive teaching practices that have proven effective in engaging diverse student populations and enhancing learning outcomes.
• Leadership and School Improvement: This sub-theme focuses on the roles of leadership and administrative strategies in fostering positive change within urban schools. Authors can discuss the impact of visionary leadership on school culture, the implementation of effective school improvement plans, or case studies of successful turnaround efforts in urban settings.
• Community and Stakeholder Engagement: Authors can examine how urban schools have successfully engaged with parents, community organizations, and other stakeholders to support educational goals. Topics may include community-based learning, partnerships with local businesses or nonprofits, and initiatives that leverage community resources to enhance educational experiences and support for students and staff.
• Policy and Advocacy for Urban Education: This sub-theme focuses on effective policies and advocacy efforts that have led to significant improvements in urban educational settings. Authors can discuss policy reforms, funding strategies, or advocacy approaches that have effectively addressed issues such as anti-Black racism, equity, access, and quality of education in urban areas.
• Mental Health and Well-being in Urban Schools: Authors can explore programs and initiatives that support mental health and the overall well-being of students and teachers in urban educational environments. This may include discussions on social-emotional learning programs, mental health resources, stress management strategies, and development of supportive school climates that promote the well-being of school community.
Submission Guidelines for the Special Issue:
• Empirical Research Proposals: Submit a 2 to 3-page single-spaced proposal including your introduction, research design, findings/results/discussion, and implications.
• Non-empirical Papers: Submit a 2 to 3-page single-spaced paper summarizing the purpose and content of the chapter. This should include key concepts, discussions, and implications.
• Expected Length of Final Chapter: 3500 - 4000 words.
• Please include the following with your chapter proposal:
• The sub-theme your proposal addresses
• Five keywords
• A 50-word bio for each author or co-author
Important Dates for the Special Issue:
• Proposal/Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, December 13, 2024
• Notification of Acceptance: Friday, December 20, 2024
• Submission of First Draft: Friday, March 28, 2025
• First Draft Return to Authors for Revisions: Friday, May 30, 2025
• Final Submission: Friday, August 15, 2025
• Estimated Publication Date: December 2025/January 2026
Why Contribute?
This special issue aims to create a platform for sharing impactful research and innovative theories that can affirm and inspire positive change in urban education. We welcome diverse perspectives and methodologies that can contribute to a deeper understanding and improvement of urban educational practices, policies, and outcomes.
Join Us:
Whether you are contributing to the ongoing series or the special issue, your work will play a crucial role in advancing the conversation around urban education. By sharing your insights, research, and visions, you will help shape a future where the educational landscape in urban settings is transformed for the better. We look forward to your proposals and are excited about the opportunity to feature your work in our IAP Book Series and/or the special issue on Transformative Perspectives in Urban Education.
Please submit your proposal or abstract for the special issue to:
William Ankomah at wankomah@stfx.ca

Convictions of Conscience
How Voices From the Margins Inform Public Actions and Educational Leadership
2019Brenda J. McMahon, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Lisa R. Merriweather, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Teach & Thrive
Wisdom from an Urban Teacher's Career Narrative
2016Kristina Valtierra, Colorado College

Working (With/out) the System
Educational Leadership, Micropolitics and Social Justice
2016James Ryan, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education; Denise E. Armstrong, Brock University

Struggling for Inclusion
Educational Leadership in a Neo-Liberal World
2012James Ryan, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

Student Engagement in Urban Schools
Beyond Neoliberal Discourses
2012Brenda J. McMahon, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte; John P. Portelli, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

Leadership from the Ground Up
Effective Schooling in Traditionally Low Performing Schools
2012Michele A. Acker-Hocevar, Washington State University; Marta I. Cruz-Janzen, Florida Atlantic University; Cynthia L. Wilson, Florida Atlantic University

Schools as Radical Sanctuaries
Decolonizing Urban Education through the Eyes of Youth of Color
2011René Antrop-González, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
- Denise E. Armstrong
Brock University - William S. Ankomah
St. Francis Xavier University, Canada - FOUNDING EDITORBrenda J. McMahon
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Policy & Politics of Education
- Urban Education
- Multicultural Education
- Social Context of Education
- International & Comparative Education
- Advances in Service-Learning Research
- Caribbean Discourse in Inclusive Education
- Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association Book Series
- Cognition, Equity & Society: International Perspectives
- Community Schools: Voices From the Field
- Comparative International Research
- Conducting Research in Education Finance: Methods, Measurement, and Policy Perspectives
- Contemporary Perspectives on Access, Equity, and Achievement
- Contemporary Perspectives on Educational Politics and the Law
- Contemporary Perspectives on Multicultural Gifted Education
- Contemporary Perspectives on School Turnaround and Reform
- Critical Constructions: Studies on Education and Society
- Current Issues in Out-of-School Time
- Current Perspectives in Demography
- Current Perspectives on Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Education
- Current Perspectives on School/University/Community Research
- Current Research in Rural and Regional Education
- Current Social and Cultural Issues: Challenges and Solutions
- Education Equity and Justice Series
- Education Policy in Practice: Critical Cultural Studies