Education Equity and Justice Series
The American University School of Education’s Summer Institute on Education Equity and Justice (SIEEJ) is the home of this book series. The School of Education aims to be locally, nationally, and internationally recognized for making a meaningful impact in the field of education through innovative teaching, research, and service. The mission of the School of Education is to create knowledge and prepare students to transform societies through education. The aim of this series is to include scholarship relating to PreK-16 Academic Excellence; Equity; Antiracism and Social Justice; Diversity and Inclusion; Collaboration; Innovation. Books published in this series will be used to advocate for equitable and inclusive learning environments; advance social justice; prepare effective educators; provide leadership in public-policy arenas; and collaborate with local, national, and international communities and organizations. The annual American University School of Education Summer Institute on Education Equity and Justice (SIEEJ) was developed to convene local and national educators and education advocates to highlight new practices and strategies for addressing the educational needs of Black, Brown, and indigenous students.
The series co-editors, Dr. Antonio L. Ellis (Director of the Summer Institute on Education Equity and Justice, American University School of Education) and Dr. Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy (Dean and Distinguished Professor, American University School of Education) will distribute a thematic call for chapters annually based on SIEEJ conference them. In addition, topic related sole authored and edited book proposals are welcomed throughout the year.
For additional book proposal information, email equityandjustice@american.edu.

Beyond the Spectrum
Navigating the Mental Health Landscape of LGBTQ+ Youths
COMING SOONHaley D. Wikoff, Western Illinois University; Hannah Brinser, Western Illinois University; Christopher N. Smith, Howard University; Terence Mayo, New York University Steinhardt
- Advances in Service-Learning Research
- Cognition, Equity & Society: International Perspectives
- Critical Constructions: Studies on Education and Society
- Current Social and Cultural Issues: Challenges and Solutions
- Educational Leadership for Social Justice
- Equitas: The Payne Center Journal on Race and Social Justice
- Excursions in Criticality: Education, Cultural Studies and Politics
- Family School Community Partnership Issues
- Issues in the Research, Theory, Policy, and Practice of Urban Education
- Journal on Contemporary Perspectives on the Sociology of Education
- Promoting Justice, Diversity, and Inclusivity Through Arts-Based Practices
- Public Administration & Social Equity
- Research on African American Education
- Research on Religion and Education
- Research on Stress and Coping in Education
- Research on Women and Education
- The SoJo Journal
- Urban Education Studies Series