The Achievement Gap, Research, Practice, and Policy

The specific goals of this book series are to examine the academic achievement gap(s) between minority subgroups and their non-minority counterparts and to present strategies utilized by school districts to narrow these performance gaps. One unique feature of this series is that it provides data driven analyses of achievement gaps. This series explores issues directly related to: (1) how data can be used to inform practice and policy in addressing student achievement; (2) how school leaders, parents, students, community leaders, policy makers and other related internal and external actors affect academic achievement; and (3) identifying successful strategies developed and implemented by urban school districts in narrowing achievement gaps. This series will also examine the relationship between gaps in achievement and policy mandates designed to promote accessibility to educational opportunities. Central to this series is the belief that policymakers must address the contention that the achievement gap is influenced by global structural problems pervading our society; therefore, social, political and economic deficits will be examined and elaborated. This book series should be of interest to students enrolled in courses in urban school leadership, policy studies, and foundations of education.. Additionally, books in this series can be used in social policy, and education reform courses. Colleges of education throughout the United States, South African and the United Kingdom can broadly use this series. These countries are experiencing similar problems with achievement gaps, changing demographics, and education policy reform.