Contemporary Perspectives on School Turnaround and Reform

Call For Chapter Proposals

Although the term school turnaround connotes a linear process where schools identified for improvement/support must quickly and sharply improve, the school improvement process is anything but linear. The decidedly nonlinear trajectory of school reform can be partly explained by how it reaches many different stakeholders including students, teachers, school leaders, counselors, other school staff, parents, family members, and members of the community. However, past narratives around the work of school turnaround have excluded many of these perspectives or failed to integrate them, and it is critical that we highlight the voices of all affected and involved. In this book, we integrate and juxtapose the perspectives of different stakeholders on how school turnaround has affected them, their schools, and their communities. This book is intended for policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and community members alike, as we illustrate areas of convergence and divergence between various stakeholders’ perspectives. Ultimately, the chapters in this volume will shed light on poorly understood interactions between different stakeholders and how their, sometimes competing, interests shape the turnaround process.

Book chapters will range in length from 5,000 to 8,000 words (including references, excluding tables and figures) and can include conceptual, theoretical, literature review, or empirical chapters (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods).

Authors who are interested in contributing to this edited book should submit a brief proposal (up to 1,000 words, not including references) at by October 31, 2023. We encourage, but do not require, submissions that incorporate multiple stakeholder perspectives (e.g., students, teachers, school leaders, counselors, other school staff or educators, parents, family members, members of the community, and/or policymakers). Given the importance of diverse perspectives on this issue, we encourage submissions from a wide range of scholars and perspectives, including the use of different methods and frameworks.

Submissions should be in APA format and in Word (.docx) form. Please also include a one-paragraph biography for each author (not included in the 1,000-word count maximum).

• The purpose/goals of the proposed
• A description of study methodologies, data sources, and/or perspectives that drive your inquiry
• Which stakeholders’ perspectives are represented
• How the proposed chapter aligns with the book description
• Evidence that the final submission can be completed according to the timeline below

Proposal Submission – October 31, 2023
Selection Decision/Initial Feedback to Authors – November 30, 2023
Draft of Chapters Due to Editors – April 30, 2024
Feedback to Authors – June 30, 2024
Final Chapters Due to Editors - August 31, 2024

Questions may be directed to:
Adam Kho (, University of Southern California
Alisha Butler (, Wesleyan University
Lam Pham (, North Carolina State University