Search results for "research in professional development schools" 1188 matches found || Page 1 of 40 NEXT
Exploring Cultural Competence in Professional Development SchoolsJoAnne Ferrara, Manhattanville College; Janice L. Nath, University of Houston; Ronald Beebe, University of Houston -Downtown
A Practical Guide to Exemplary Professional Development SchoolsMichael Cosenza, California Lutheran University; JoAnne Ferrara, Manhattanville College; Diane W. Gómez, Manhattanville College
Advances in Community Thought and ResearchIrma N. Guadarrama, University of Texas - Pan Am; John Ramsey, University of Houston; Janice L. Nath, University of Houston
Contemporary Perspectives on Research on Child Development Laboratory Schools in Early Childhood EducationOlivia Saracho, University of Maryland
Expanding Opportunities to Link Research and Clinical PracticeA Volume in Research in Professional Development SchoolsJoAnne Ferrara, Manhattanville College; Janice L. Nath, University of Houston; Irma N. Guadarrama, University of Texas - Pan Am; Ronald Beebe, University of Houston -Downtown
Professional Development for In-Service TeachersResearch and Practices in Computing EducationChrystalla Mouza, University of Delaware; Anne Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Indiana University; Aman Yadav, Michigan State University
Visions from Professional Development School PartnersConnecting Professional Development and Clinical PracticeMerilyn Buchanan, California State University Channel Islands; Michael Cosenza, California Lutheran University
Research in Professional Development Schools and School-University PartnershipsJoAnne Ferrara, Manhattanville College; Ronald Beebe, University of Houston -Downtown; Drew Polly, UNC Charlotte
(Un)Learning to Teach Through Intercultural Professional DevelopmentCandace Schlein, University of Missouri‐Kansas City
Boundary-Spanning in School-University PartnershipsKristien Zenkov, George Mason University; Drew Polly, UNC Charlotte; Lin Rudder, Lightridge High School; George Mason University
Clinically Based Teacher Education in ActionCases from Professional Development SchoolsEva Garin, Bowie State University; Rebecca West Burns, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Creating Visions for University- School PartnershipsJoAnne Ferrara, Manhattanville College; Janice L. Nath, University of Houston; Irma N. Guadarrama, University of Texas - Pan Am
Forging Alliances in Community and ThoughtIrma N. Guadarrama, University of Texas - Pan Am
PDS and Community SchoolsThe Nexus of PracticeJoAnne Ferrara, Manhattanville College; Janice L. Nath, University of Houston; Ronald Beebe, University of Houston -Downtown
The Impact of PDS Partnerships in Challenging TimesPixita del Prado Hill, SUNY Buffalo State; Keli Garas-York, SUNY Buffalo State
University and School ConnectionsResearch Studies in Professional Development SchoolsIrma N. Guadarrama, University of Texas - Pan Am; John Ramsey, University of Houston; Janice L. Nath, University of Houston
A Pathway to PDS PartnershipUsing the PDSEA ProtocolEmily Shoemaker, University of La Verne (retired); Michael Cosenza, California Lutheran University; Thierry Kolpin, Brandman University; Jacquelyn May Allen, University of La Verne
Career Development Across the LifespanCounseling for Community, Schools, Higher Education, and Beyond (2nd Edition)Grafton T. Eliason, California University of Pennsylvania; Mark Lepore, Clarion University of Pennsylvania; Jeff L. Samide, California University of Pennsylvania; John Patrick, California University of Pennsylvania
Career Development in the SchoolsGrafton T. Eliason, California University of Pennsylvania; John Patrick, California University of Pennsylvania
Doing PDSStories and Strategies from Successful Clinically Rich PracticeKeli Garas-York, SUNY Buffalo State; Pixita del Prado Hill, SUNY Buffalo State; Leslie K. Day, SUNY Buffalo State; Kim Truesdell, SUNY Buffalo State; Susan Keller-Mathers, SUNY Buffalo State
Impacts of Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development on Student OutcomesEdward Crowe, The Bench Group; Rena F. Subotnik, American Psychological Association
Improving Instruction Through Supervision, Evaluation, and Professional DevelopmentMichael DiPaola, The College of William and Mary; Wayne K. Hoy, The Ohio State University
Improving Instruction Through Supervision, Evaluation, and Professional DevelopmentSecond EditionMichael DiPaola, The College of William and Mary; Charles A. Wagner, The College of William & Mary
Online Professional Development for TeachersCharalambos Vrasidas, Centre for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology; Gene V Glass, Arizona State University
The Power of Learning from InquiryTeacher Research as a Professional Development Tool in Multilingual SchoolsAida A Nevárez-La Torre, TESOL Program, Fordham University
Theoretical Developments and Future Research in Family BusinessPhilip Phan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; John E. Butler, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Using Action Research and Organization Development Strategies for Change in a Hierarchical OrganizationDuct Tape, Band-Aids, and Post-it NotesDavid W. Anderson, Law Enforcement; Peter F. Sorensen, Benedictine University; Therese F. Yaeger, Benedictine University; David W. Jamieson, Jamieson Consulting Group, Inc
An Introduction to Professional and Executive CoachingSheila Boysen-Rotelli, Lewis University
An Introduction to Professional and Executive Coaching2nd EditionSheila Boysen-Rotelli, Lewis University
Applied Developmental PsychologyTheory, Practice, and Research from JapanDavid Shwalb, Southeastern Louisiana University; Jun Nakazawa, Chiba University; Barbara J. Shwalb, Southeastern Louisiana University
1188 matches found || Page 1 of 40 NEXT
- Careers
- Counseling
- Distance Learning
- Early Childhood Education
- Education
- Education Research
- Educational Leadership
- Entrepreneurship
- Evaluation
- Higher Education
- Human Development
- Human Resources
- Leadership
- Learning & Instruction
- Management
- Mentoring
- Multicultural Education
- Organizational Development
- Policy & Politics of Education
- Teacher Education
- Technology

Committing to Action
Socially Just Leadership Education
Kathy L. Guthrie, Florida State University; Vivechkanand S. Chunoo, Florida State University; Brittany Devies, Florida State University

Beyond Exchange
Revisiting Leadership as a Relationship
Olga Epitropaki, Durham University Business School, Durham University, UK; Robin Martin, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK

Boundary-Spanning in School-University Partnerships
Kristien Zenkov, George Mason University; Drew Polly, UNC Charlotte; Lin Rudder, Lightridge High School; George Mason University

Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining
Volume 5
Kenneth D. Lawrence, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ronald Klimberg, Saint Joseph’s University

Developing an Intersectional Consciousness and Praxis
Moving Toward Antiracist Efforts in Higher Education
Jonathan A. McElderry, Elon University; Stephanie Hernandez Rivera, Elon University

Dismantling Spaces of Silence in Social Science Education
Eric B. Claravall, California State University, Sacramento; Jessica Ferreras-Stone, Western Washington University

Educating About/for Food Security Through Environmental Education
An Account of Integration Practices in Teacher Education Programs Across Ontario, Canada
Alishia A. Valeri