Quarterly Review of Distance Education
Research that Guides Practice
Edited by: Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University and Anymir Orellana, Nova Southeastern University
Submission guidelines, May 2023
Statement of Purpose
Research that Guides Practice
The Quarterly Review of Distance Education is a rigorously refereed journal publishing articles, research briefs, reviews, and editorials dealing with the theories, research, and practices of distance education. The Quarterly Review publishes articles that utilize various methodologies that permit generalizable results which help guide the practice of the field of distance education in the public and private sectors. The Quarterly Review publishes full-length manuscripts as well as research briefs, editorials, reviews of programs and scholarly works, and columns. The Quarterly Review defines distance education as institutionally based, formal education, where the learning group is separated and where interactive technologies are used to unite the learning group.
Directions to Contributors
Submit your manuscript, typed double-spaced. Manuscripts are generally between 30 and 50 pages in length and must conform to the style of the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Longer manuscripts will be considered also. Research Briefs may be shorter, normally between 3 – 10 pages.
The name(s), affiliation(s), address(es), and phone, and email address(es) of the author(s) should appear on a separate cover page. A one paragraph biographical statement should be submitted for each author.
To ensure anonymity in the review process, names of author(s) should not appear elsewhere in the manuscript, except in appropriate citations. Send two versions, one with references to authors in the narrative removed, and one with author references retained, if necessary.
An abstract of 100 words should also be submitted on a separate page.
Manuscripts should be submitted using a recent version of Microsoft Word. The file should be clearly labeled with the first author’s name. Graphics should be included in separate files with clear indications of where they should appear in the narrative.
Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least three consulting editors. This process normally takes from 3 – 4 months.
Submit manuscripts using email to:
Michael R. Simonson, Co-Editor
Fischler College of Education
Nova Southeastern University
4118 DeSantis Building
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Submission Guidelines
- Include in a separate cover page the title of the manuscript; along with the name, affiliation, address, phone, email address, and a one paragraph biographical statement for each author.
- Include in a separate document a 100-word abstract.
- Send as email attachments to simsmich@nova.edu.
- Include in the email subject line, “QRDE submission.”
- All submitted files should be labeled with the main author’s last name. Additionally, image files should include their figure number as cited in the manuscript.
The Manuscript
Word Processor Format
Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word.
The maximum length of the body of the paper should be about 30-50 pages, although longer papers will be considered.
Top and bottom margins: 1.0”
Left and right margins: 1.0”
Regular text: 12-point Times New Roman (TNR), left justified
Paper title: 12-point TNR, centered
Author listing: 12-point TNR, centered
Section headings: 12 point TNR, centered
Section sub-heading: 12 point TNR, left justified
Do not type section headings or titles in all-caps, only capitalize the first letter in each word. Allow one line of space before and after each heading. Indent, 0.5”, the first sentence of each paragraph.
Figures and Tables
Figures and tables should fit a width of 6 ½” and be sent as separate files.
Page Numbering
Do not include or refer to any page numbers in your manuscript.
We encourage you to use visuals – pictures, graphics, tables, figures, charts – to help explain your manuscript. Graphics images (.jpg) should be included at the end of your paper.
Each visual must be 300 dpi, 500kb in size and submitted as separate files accompanying the narrative submission.
Submissions should include:
- Cover sheet with complete contact information for each author
- Name
- Affiliation
- Address
- Telephone
- Abstract of approximately 100 words
- Body of the paper (two versions)
- Graphics as separate files, clearly labeled.
- Biographical information about each author of approximately 100 words
- Volume 25 #1, 2024
- Volume 24 #2, 2023
- Volume 24 #3, 2023
- Volume 24 #4, 2023
- Volume 24 #1, 2023
- Volume 23 #2, 2022
- Volume 23 #3, 2022
- Volume 23 #4, 2022
- Volume 23 #1, 2022
- Volume 22 #3, 2021
- Volume 22 #4, 2021
- Volume 22 #2, 2021
- Volume 22 #1, 2021
- Volume 21 #4, 2020
- Volume 21 #3 - Essays from the Field: Instructional Technology in a Time of Crisis, 2020
- Volume 21 #2, 2020
- Volume 21 #1, 2020
- Volume 20 #4, 2019
- Volume 20 #3, 2019
- Volume 20 #2, 2019
- Volume 20 #1, 2019
- Volume 19 #4, 2018
- Volume 19 #3, 2018
- Volume 19 #2, 2018
- Volume 19 #1, 2018
- Volume 18 #4, 2017
- Volume 18 #3, 2017
- Volume 18 #2, 2017
- Volume 18 #1, 2017
- Volume 17 #4, 2016
- Volume 17 #3, 2016
- Volume 17 #2, 2016
- Volume 17 #1, 2016
- Volume 16 #4, 2015
- Volume 16 #3, 2015
- Volume 16 #2, 2015
- Volume 16 #1, 2015
- Volume 15 #4, 2014
- Volume 15 #3, 2014
- Volume 15 #2, 2014
- Volume 15 #1, 2014
- Volume 14 #4, 2013
- Volume 14 #3, 2013
- Volume 14 #2, 2013
- Volume 14 #1, 2013
- Volume 13 #4, 2012
- Volume 13 #3, 2012
- Volume 13 #2, 2012
- Volume 13 #1, 2012
- Volume 12 #4, 2011
- Volume 12 #3, 2011
- Volume 12 #2, 2011
- Volume 12 #1, 2011
- Volume 11 #4, 2010
- Volume 11 #3, 2010
- Volume 11 #2, 2010
- Volume 11 #1, 2010
- Volume 10 #4, 2009
- Volume 10 #3, 2009
- Volume 10 #2, 2009
- Volume 10 #1, 2009
- Volume 9 #3, 2008
- Volume 9 #1, 2008
- Volume 8 #4, 2007
- Volume 8 #3, 2007
- Volume 8 #2, 2007
- Volume 8 #1, 2007
- Volume 7 #4, 2006
- Volume 7 #3, 2006
- Volume 7 #2, 2006
- Volume 7 #1, 2006
- Volume 6 #4, 2005
- Volume 6 #3, 2005
- Volume 6 #2, 2005
- Volume 6 #1, 2005
- Volume 5 #4, 2004
- Volume 5 #3, 2004
- Volume 5 #2, 2004
- Volume 5 #1, 2004
- Volume 4 #4, 2003
- Volume 4 #3, 2003
- Volume 4 #2, 2003
- Volume 4 #1, 2003
- Volume 3 #4, 2002
- Volume 3 #3, 2002
- Volume 3 #2, 2002
- Volume 3 #1, 2002
- Volume 2 #4, 2001
- Volume 2 #3, 2001
- Volume 2 #2, 2001
- Volume 2 #1, 2001
- Volume 1 #4, 2000
- Volume 1 #3, 2000
- Volume 1 #2, 2000
- Volume 1 #1, 2000
The SoJo Journal
Educational Foundations and Social Justice Education
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